Christine White

1991 TFHA Alum

Current Job

Faculty, Nova Scotia Community College (NSCC)

Teaches communication, marketing and leadership courses in the Business Hospitality, Business Tourism and Event Management programs. 

Active TFHA volunteer and program supporter Christine White shares insight on her involvement with TFHA’s Provincial Interview Committees.


How long have you been volunteering on a PIC? And with which provinces?

I have no idea! Maybe 10 or 12 years, but not consecutively. I am based out of Nova Scotia, so most of the interviews have been Nova Scotia-focused. However, I have sat on PICs for PEI, NB and NL.

What do you enjoy about participating in the process and/or why do you choose to volunteer with TFHA? 

  • For me, the best part of the PIC process is hearing amazing stories from youth in our communities – and seeing the difference they are making. 
  • Each year I am in awe of the thoughtful, kind, determined, passionate and talented youth we have across our country.  It reiterates how impactful this Award is in helping our Canadian youth do exceptional things. 
  • It keeps me in the loop of current social programs, organizations and volunteer opportunities in my province (or to learn about ones in other provinces). I often Google new-to-me information – and learn a lot in the process. 
  • It makes me think about my own life – where I spend volunteer hours and how I can be a better volunteer in my community at this point in my life. 
  • The interviews are inspiringEvery year, I am emotionally affected by students’ stories of perseverance,  accomplishment, gratefulness, innovation, selflessness and education.
  • I LOVE talking about Terry Fox, and hearing a new generation explain why they are applying for the award. Seeing first-hand how Terry is still relevant, discussed and important to our Canadian culture. 
  • I also really enjoy the opportunity to reconnect and network with other Terry Fox alumni through the PIC process. 

Would you recommend others get involved?

  • Absolutely. 
  • Sitting on a PIC is something I look forward to every year – for all the reasons above. 🙂

More about Christine

Passionate Nova Scotia storyteller with over 20 years’ experience in communications, marketing, media relations and event planning. Currently teaching at Nova Scotia Community College (NSCC) in the Business Tourism, Business Hospitality and Event Management programs. Extensive experience working with students in a mentor and supervisory role.

Born in Halifax, Nova Scotia. Grew up in Newfoundland. Lived in Japan for six years. Traveled a lot. Came back to Canada’s ocean playground. Worked for 10 years with Taste of Nova Scotia, a non-profit organization that represents over 200 local, Nova Scotia owned and operated businesses. Always loved food and appreciated the work that goes into growing, producing and preparing it – but working with Taste of Nova Scotia  took that passion for local (and giving a voice to the importance of supporting local) to a new level.

Over the past few years, volunteer work has been focused on smaller projects/events within the community.

Christine at TFHA’s 40-year event on Parliament Hill, November 29, 2022