Frequently Asked Questions
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Are there any other awards offered by the Terry Fox Humanitarian Award?
No, we only administer the national scholarship – the Terry Fox Humanitarian Award. However, there are many high schools and universities offering their own Terry Fox awards. The value of these are typically lower and you must consult the institution directly. We do not keep a list of which institutions offer these or any details on their value.
Is the Terry Fox Humanitarian Award connected to the Terry Fox Foundation and the Terry Fox Run?
No. The Terry Fox Humanitarian Award is a completely separate nonprofit charity, established in 1981 to administer the award. The program is not officially tied to the Terry Fox Foundation and the Terry Fox Run, nor does it receive any money from them. However, members of the Fox family have traditionally held a position on our Board of Directors.
Is the application material available in French?
Yes, our program material is available in both official languages.
What is the value of the Award and how is it dispersed?
The maximum value of the award is $28,000 dispersed over four years. A stipend of $7,000 is issued directly to the institution each year in two installments of up to $3,500, one in September and one in January.
Installments are sent directly to the university or college to cover tuition fees. Any money left over is to be used for other educational expenses (such as textbooks).
Where does the money for the Awards come from?
In 1981 the Government of Canada, under the aegis of Fitness and Amateur Sport, established an endowment fund with $5 million. In 2006, the Government of Canada bequeathed an additional $10 million. These monies are held in trust and administered by the Terry Fox Humanitarian Awards Program. Traditionally, it is the interest from these investments that funds the Awards. In recent years, some of our Awards are funded directly through the generous donations of individuals.
Is the Terry Fox Humanitarian Award open to those of all abilities?
Is financial need a consideration?
The Terry Fox Humanitarian Award is granted based on a recipient’s demonstrated dedication to the humanitarian ideals of Terry Fox – their impact on human welfare and their courage, compassion, and fortitude in overcoming obstacles. Participation in sport, fitness and academic standing is also taken into consideration.
Who is eligible to apply?
Please see Eligibility Criteria.
Is there a GPA requirement?
Can I apply if am not currently attending school?
Yes, but only if you meet the other criteria and have not completed your first university degree.
Can I use the Award to study abroad?
No. The Terry Fox Humanitarian Award is only tenable at an accredited Canadian post secondary institution in Canada.
Can I apply for the Award if I already have a university degree?
No. The Terry Fox Humanitarian Award is only for students who are currently completing their first university degree or diploma at a Canadian post-secondary institution in Canada.
Do I have to study certain subjects to receive the Award?
No. There is no set discipline – the program of study is at the discretion of the recipient.
Can I apply for the Award when I’m already in college or university?
Yes. Students are eligible to apply for the Terry Fox Humanitarian Award until they have received their first university degree.
Do I have to be nominated by my school?
No, while some schools nominate candidates you do not need to be nominated to qualify. In other words, you can apply on your own as well.
When is the application deadline?
All applications must be submitted in full, including the three referee forms and unofficial transcript no later than December 1st of each year by midnight Pacific Time. Applications submitted after December 1st will not be accepted nor will they be carried over to the next year’s cycle.
How do I apply for the Award?
To apply, use our online application system. The application has 4 sections Referee, Personal Information, Essay and Transcript. For application details see Instructions for Applying.
Can I use the same application if I applied in a previous year?
If you applied unsuccessfully for a Terry Fox Humanitarian Award in the past, you must resubmit a new application updated with what you have accomplished since your last submission.
Who can act as my referee?
A referee is someone whom you feel can provide an adequate reference for you. Referees cannot be related to you. It can be your teacher, your guidance counsellor, someone from your community – a doctor, work supervisor or someone who can attest to you as a person. We recommend you approach individuals who are familiar with your character, activities, and overall experiences. It is wise to familiarize your referees with the nature of the Terry Fox Humanitarian Award.
What is required of the referee?
Referees will receive an e-mail requesting them to complete an online form. It is the applicant’s responsibility to ensure that the forms are completed before the application deadline of December 1st.
What is an unofficial transcript?
Applicants are required to upload an unofficial transcript(s) covering the last two years of schooling in the form of one (1) PDF. This can be a scanned copy of your transcript or one downloaded from your school’s online system. Those advanced to Provincial Interviews will be required to submit an official transcript as well (an original copy that is unopened and officially sealed by the institution).
Will I be contacted?
Due to the large volume of applications we receive, only those selected to take part in the interview process will be contacted.
When are interviews?
Interviews are conducted in each province in April.
When are recipients announced?
Recipients will be announced on our website in May.